Conference Presentation Support Program for Yang Researchers

 The JSPS Core-to-Core Project "Center for Experimental Financial Market" (CEFM) will provide grants for expenses related to conference presentations by graduate doctoral students.

【2023  Application acceptance has ended】

Please read the following conditions carefully and apply by the deadline if you wish to apply.

1. Eligibility 

Doctoral students or Postdoctoral fellow of the Graduate Schools of Economics and Political Science at Waseda University 

2. Support Details

Expense Assistance* for presentations in Japan and abroad on themes related to CEFM to be given by the applicant.(Possible during application)

 [Maximum amount]

              Domestic: 50,000yen  Overseas: 250,000 yen

 *Conference participation fee, Transportation expenses, Accommodation charge(Actual cost)

3. Presentation topics and conditions

(1)Research presentations related to CEFM themes based on game theory or experimental economics.

(2)When making your presentation, please mention that your research is supported by the JSPS Core-to-Core Program and include the core to core logo on your presentation materials.

(3)The supported person must work as a member of the CEFM.

4. Application

Please send an e-mail with the following information to the CEFM Secretariat (the two contact addresses below).

(1)Name, affiliation, academic year, student number,and e-mail address

(2)Conference information(Name,Date,Place)

(3)Proof of acceptance at the conference (email from the organizer or conference program). If you are applying, an email to prove it.

(4)The length of stay in the Place where the conference is to be held

(5)Theme of presentation (title)

(6)Outline of the theme of the presentation

(7)Relevance to CEFM

(8)Name of the faculty advisor and advisor's permission or not

5.Deadline and announcement of results

First semester (conferences held from May to September)    

 Deadline: April 28

   Result notification: May 12

Second Semester (Conferences held from October to March)

   Deadline: July 15

   Result notification: August 15

6. Contact

Yukihiko Funaki, CEFM Principal Investigator

CEFM address

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