Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Core-to-Core Program
Formation of an International Research Center for Experimental Financial Market:CEFM Project 2020-2025
What's New
- Feb.25 JSPS Core-to-Core CEFM Workshop
- Feb. 1 JSPS Core-to-Core CEFM Workshop
- Jun 28 JSPS Core-to-Core CEFM Workshop
- May 10 JSPS Core-to-Core CEFM Workshop
- Apr.18 JSPS Core-to-Core CEFM Workshop
- Apr. 5 Experimental Economics and Game Theory Workshop
- Feb.2 JSPS Core-to-Core CEFM Workshop
- Jan.26 Waseda Game Theory and Experimental Economics Workshop
- Oct.25,27 Spain-Japan Meeting
- Oct.13 core to core CEFM workshop
- Sep. 4 Waseda Worksho on Game Theory
- Aug. 3 CEFM workshop
- Aug. 8 SWET2023
- July 14 Waseda Workshop for Experimental Economics
- July 11 CEFM Workshop
- June 15,16 CEFM Workshop
- May12 CEFM workshop
- Young Researchers Overseas Study Program FY2023
- Conference Presentation Support Program for Yang Researchers FY2023
- Feb. 7-8 CEFM Workshpo on Nagasaki University
- Jan. 25-27 2023 PJIR continuous workshop
- Jan. 6 2023 WINPEC workshop for Game theory and Experiments Co-sponsored by core-to core
- Oct. 8 2022 Young researchers presented at the conference
- Sep. 11,12 2022 Summer Workshop on Game Theory and Experimental Economics
- July 1 2022 CEFM Workshops
- July 8,15 2022 CEFM Workshops
- Jun 24 2022 Workshop by CEFM members
- Feb. 28,2022 CEFM online Workshop
- Oct. 20,21, 2021 Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory
- Aug. 31, 2021 Summer Workshop on Game Theory and Experimental Economics 2021
- Jun 4, 2021: SGU/CEFM specal Lectures(Prof. Charles Noussair, Prof. Yukio Koriyama) start
- Apr. 16, 2021: CEFM lab experiments started
- Feb. 26, March 5, 2021:2Days Game Theory Workshop
- Dec, 3, 2020: SGU/CEFM specilal Lecture (Professor Charles Noussair)
- Oct. 19,23, 2020: The 4th Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory
- Oct. 21, 2020: SGU/CEFM special Lectures (Recent topics in Experimental Political Economy)
- Oct. 2, 2020: CEFM kickoff workshop
- Sep. 8, 2020: CEFM Web pages Opend
- Sep. 7, 2020: CFEM workshop for Young researchers
- July 14, 2020: Kenju Kamei, research fellow, Arrived
- April 1, 2020: CEFM project Started
Main Object of the project
This project focuses on "varieties" of the participants of a financial market. We investigate its effect on their behaviors, the price and the volumes in the market by the method of economic experiment. Here the varieties include risk attitudes of individuals, cognitive abilities, reasoning abilities, cultural backgrounds, and “theory of mind.” Waseda university is the core institute for the research and experiments of the project and becomes a hub of the network among universities in France, the Netherlands, U.S., Singapore and Taiwan. We extend the research network to the world based on this cooperation.
Correspoinding InstitutesFrance Montpellier UniversityThe Netherlands University of AmsterdamTaiwan National Taiwan UniversitySingapore Nanyang Technological University
This project focuses on "varieties" of the participants of a financial market. We investigate its effect on their behaviors, the price and the volumes in the market by the method of economic experiment. Here the varieties include risk attitudes of individuals, cognitive abilities, reasoning abilities, cultural backgrounds, and “theory of mind.”
Waseda university is the core institute for the research and experiments of the project and becomes a hub of the network among universities in France, the Netherlands, U.S., Singapore and Taiwan. We extend the research network to the world based on this cooperation.
Correspoinding Institutes
France Montpellier University
The Netherlands University of Amsterdam
Taiwan National Taiwan University
Singapore Nanyang Technological University